Google Ads

Preventing Google Ads Competition for Senior Living Communities in Close Proximity

by | Sep 18, 2023

When a Senior Living Client has two communities located in close proximity to each other, it is important that they prevent unnecessary competition between their Google Ads campaigns. By implementing strategic measures, these communities can coexist and effectively reach their target audiences without diluting their efforts. In this article, we will discuss strategies to prevent Google Ads competition between senior living communities in close proximity.


Define Target Audiences and Differentiate:

Start by clearly defining your target audiences and understanding the unique selling points of each community. Tailor your Google Ads campaigns to highlight the specific features, amenities, and services that differentiate both of your communities. By showcasing each community’s unique strengths, you can attract potential residents who are specifically seeking those offerings, reducing the risk of direct competition.

Utilize Specific Location Targeting:

Refine your Google Ads targeting settings to focus on specific geographical areas and avoid overlapping with the neighboring community. Utilize location targeting features to exclude specific areas or radiuses where the other community’s ads may appear. This ensures that your ads are displayed to a distinct target audience, reducing the chances of competing for the same potential residents.

Focus on Unique Keywords and Ad Copy:

Differentiate your Google Ads campaigns by using specific keywords and crafting ad copy that emphasizes each community’s distinct offerings. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify less competitive keywords that still align with your target audience’s search intent. By using unique keywords and crafting compelling ad copy, you can ensure that your ads stand out and attract potential residents who are specifically interested in that particular community.

Monitor and Optimize:

Regularly monitor the performance of your Google Ads campaigns and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your efforts. Keep a close eye on keyword performance, ad click-through rates, and conversion metrics. Identify any areas where you may be overlapping with the other community and refine your targeting accordingly. Continuously optimizing your campaigns ensures that you are maximizing your resources and reaching your intended audience effectively.


By implementing strategic measures, senior living companies with communities in close proximity to each other can prevent unnecessary competition and ensure their Google Ads campaigns target the right audience. By defining target audiences, utilizing specific location targeting, coordinating and collaborating, focusing on unique keywords and ad copy, and continuously monitoring and optimizing campaigns, your communities can coexist harmoniously and successfully reach their respective target markets. A thoughtful and coordinated approach will help each community attract potential residents who align with their unique offerings, fostering a healthy and cooperative environment in the senior living market.

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