
How To Get Started With Facebook Ads For Senior Living

by | Jul 3, 2023

Overall, Facebook Ads can be a powerful tool for generating leads and move-ins for your senior living community. So how do you get started? Let’s talk about it.


Getting Started With Facebook Ads: The Puzzle Pieces

  1. Target the Right Audience: First things first. Use Facebook’s targeting capabilities to reach the right audience, such as seniors and their adult children who may be looking for senior living options. Targeting can be based on age, location, interests, and other demographics. Again, your content is going to dictate how flexible you can be here. If you have content that can keep you out of the Special Ad Category, you’re golden. If not, don’t worry! You’ll just have to work a little harder on the remaining points.
  2. Use Engaging Visuals: Use eye-catching images, animations, and videos to showcase your community and its amenities. Use high-quality assets to make a good first impression and grab the attention of potential residents and their families. When it comes to design, remember who you are selling to with these ads. Your image creatives should be clear, not cute. The creative should be focused predominantly on conveying information, not trying to win awards for keeping up with the latest design trends. Quality is important, but clarity is king.
  3. Write Like A Human Speaking To A Human: Use effective ad copy to highlight the unique selling points of your community, but avoid making it all about the amenities as this encourages comparison shopping. (Your community might have a gym…but the community down the street has a pool…) Take the time to try to really connect with these prospects and to educate them as best as you can. You only have their attention for a moment, use it wisely.
  4. Use Clear Calls to Action: Just like your visuals; be clear, not cute. Use clear calls-to-action in your ads to encourage potential residents and their families to take whatever your desired action is for them. If you are promoting a new blog post about the opening of your new dementia care neighborhood, use something clear such as “Click below to read our latest blog post our new dementia care neighborhood
  5. Test and Optimize: Continuously test and optimize your ads to improve their effectiveness. Experiment with different targeting options, ad types, image creatives, and ad copy to see what works best for your community. You’ll most likely find that different campaign and content types work better at different stages in the funnel.


It takes work, but if you do it, Facebook Ads can be a fantastic asset to bring the gaps between marketing touch points and help you to move prospects through the Buyer’s journey with cost-effective ad sequencing. If you need help or would like to book a strategy consultation with one of our Facebook PPC strategists, feel free to use the form below to contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.

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