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Google Ads Marketing Strategies to Offset Longer Sales Cycles Seen in the Senior Living Industry

by | Sep 4, 2023

The senior living industry often faces longer sales cycles due to the unique considerations and decision-making processes involved in choosing a senior living community. To overcome this challenge, senior living providers can leverage Google Ads Marketing Strategies to engage with potential residents and their families throughout their decision-making journey. In this article, we will explore effective strategies that can help offset longer sales cycles and improve conversion rates in the senior living industry.

Build an Engaging and Informative Website:

A well-designed website is crucial for capturing the attention of potential residents and their families. Create an engaging and informative website that showcases your community’s amenities, services, and unique selling points. Provide detailed information about various levels of care, activities, and accommodation options. Include testimonials, virtual tours, and multimedia content to engage visitors and help them envision life in your community.

Develop High-Quality Content:

Content marketing plays a significant role in building trust and establishing your community as a reliable resource. Develop high-quality content, such as guides, and e-books, that addresses common concerns and questions of potential residents and their families. Provide valuable insights on topics like health and wellness, financial planning, transitioning to senior living, and caregiving. Informative content, that can be used in your ads, positions your community as an industry expert and nurtures relationships with potential residents over time.

Implement Lead Nurturing Campaigns, Utilize Retargeting and Remarketing:

Given the longer sales cycles in the senior living industry, implementing lead nurturing campaigns is vital. Capture visitor information through lead generation forms on your website. Tailor your messaging based on the interests and needs of each lead to build trust and stay top-of-mind throughout their decision-making process.

Retargeting and remarketing techniques allow you to reconnect with potential residents who have previously interacted with your website or digital assets. Implement pixel tracking and cookies to display targeted ads to individuals who have shown interest in your community. Show personalized messages, offers, or testimonials to remind them of your community and encourage them to take the next step in their decision-making journey.


The longer sales cycles in the senior living industry require innovative Google Ads marketing strategies to engage potential residents and their families throughout their decision-making process. By building an engaging website, developing high-quality content, implementing lead nurturing campaigns and utilizing retargeting and remarketing strategies, senior living providers can offset longer sales cycles and improve conversion rates. These strategies foster trust, provide educational resources, and ensure consistent communication, ultimately guiding potential residents towards choosing your community as their new home.

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